CLESOL Conference for Community Languages and English for Speakers of Other Languages (CLESOL)

2023 - Victoria University or Wellington, Wellington
- Virtual conference
2020 - Postponed
2018 - Christ’s College, Christchurch

“The decision was made not to postpone as the conference had been postponed from last year and, with an exceptional programme in place already and professional development opportunities rare, we thought it was best to continue to offer a way for us to reconnect as a profession virtually, so we can share and learn.” – Daryl Streat, TESOLANZ President

CLESOL 2020 conference was postponed until 2021, and we were ready for an in-person conference, until a snap lockdown for Auckland. After much consideration and with the support of the organising committee and executive, the decision was made to move to a virtual conference.

How the conference was to be structured, viewed and delivered, preparing presenters, updating sponsors, as well as keeping the integrity and identity of the conference, was all managed with a four week turnaround.

The feedback was tremendous, with high engagement from delegates. Instead of selecting one concurrent session at a time to attend, delegates had the option to watch all sessions and workshops at a time that suits them. Plenary sessions were a mix of live and pre-recorded presentations from our international keynote speakers, with delegates having the opportunity to interact with each keynote speaker and ask questions.

The experience has changed how the CLESOL Conference will be managed in the future, with a virtual component being built into the conference.

In 2018, we were delighted to have the opportunity to manage the 16th National CLESOL Conference for Community Languages (CL) and English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL). It was the first time the conference had been with a different professional conference organiser in over a decade, so there was a bit of added pressure!

The theme of the conference was Transforming our Landscape, chosen for language users and teachers to reflect shifting perspectives.

Christ’s College, Christchurch was the venue for the conference. The college was able to accommodate the 16 concurrent sessions (over 100 concurrent presentations) within the programme, as well make for an easy central city venue for delegates. The conference was also made up of four international keynote speakers and a number of invited speakers, alongside the concurrent sessions.

At the end of the first day, a networking function was held onsite, complete with a champagne and orange juice lady dressed in Christchurch spring colours to welcome delegates.

The committee choose minimise waste, satchel / bags were eliminated, opting instead for branded paper envelopes to hold the conference information. Lunch was sourced from Eat My Lunch, a social enterprise, which for every lunch purchased buys a schoolchild lunch.

The conference dinner was held at Universo restaurant, within the Christchurch Art Gallery, where guests were served in small intimate groups, and had the opportunity to dance the night away!

Feedback from the delegates was outstanding with many commenting on a new fresh approach was appreciated.


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